Paul Smith & Family Peacehaven History

A final few family photos

To the left, me as a Penguin at the Telscombe School fete July 1965, I think. I would still have been going to Roderick Avenue school. On the right the Cubs Parade, with Patrick carrying the flag far right, 1968 ish. Does anyone recognise any of the other cubs or scouts? (Click on the pics for larger versions)
Pat (5th from right) at the Keep fit group in the Youth Club on Roderick Avenue 1970 ish, Again, click on the pic for a larger version and see if you recognise anyone. Let me know! -
A return to Kibworth House, Easter 2012
On the left as featured on a previous page, a 1964 family group on the low wall at the front of the house. From the left, me, Pat, Jim and Martine, and Patrick, with some family friends. At Easter 2012, I visited the current occupants of the house (they bought the house from us in 1967). They very kindly showed me around the house and garden, the first time I'd been inside the property since the summer of '67. That's me again in the same position on the low wall. I am that bit taller now -----